Today we have something worthwhile.It can be used to beautify your blog.Blogger Tutorials can help you on our site.Today we tolking about How to disable copying text on blogger blog
Today we have something worthwhile.It can be used to beautify your blog.Blogger Tutorials can help you on our site.Today we tolking about How to disable copying text on blogger blog
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How to disable copying text on blogger blogs?
You think you have an excellent blog.And it's always updatedAnd you write very hard articles.So, the hard articles are copied.And others will put your hard work on his blog.So doing it will hurt you.So we're also talking about how to stop this.Copywriting is not ethical too.
Also, if you are trying to create something from someone's website please mention itTurning to another site, turn it into your own ideas.So let's look at how to disable copying text.
This is very simple.
First, go to your blog's Dashboard for do this.For the first , visit can see the Theme tab on the left side.Then click on it.
1. Now click the Edite HTML
2. You can see all the codes on your blog.
3. Then copy the code given below.
<!-- not copyright text --><script src='demo-to-prevent-copy-paste-on-blogger_files/googleapis.js'/><script type='text/javascript'>if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined" ) {document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false" );} else {document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false" ); document.onmouseup=new Function ("return true" );}</script><!-- not copyright text end -->
4. Now click on Code in the Edite HTML on the blog.
5. The next you press CTRL + F.There you will see a search bar on the top of the box with code on the right side.
6. Then type <head> in the search bar.
7. Then paste the code you copied from the <head> below.
8. Now save the theme.
It's okay now.Now you can view your blog.Now try to copy the words of your blog.You will not be able to copy the words again.And then you can no longer copy any of your blog posts.Also, you should not be afraid to copy your letters directly.
So if you don't understand this happened see the video below.This is a simple way to do this.
Happy blogging!Then comment your question below your problem or our site.Also, your ideas are very useful for our success.See the article next & share this article with your friends.